
창작 번역시

그렇네요(I think so)






꽃 필 때 찾아오던 나비, 꽃 지나 떠나가네요.

열매 맺힐 때 찾아오던 산새, 열매 지니 떠나가네요.

우리네 삶도 그렇네요.

돈 있을 때 찾아오던 친구, 돈 없으니 떠나가고

명예 있을 때 찾아오던 친구,

명예 사라지니 떠나가네요.




I think so



The butterfly that came to me when the flowers bloomed leaves after the flowers.

The mountain bird, the fruit that came to me when the fruit was coming, is leaving.

It's the same with our lives.

The friend who came to me when I had money, left because I didn't have money

The friend who came to visit when I was honored,

He's leaving because my honor is gone.




사업자 정보 표시
실버 드림 | 옥은지 | 경상남도 거제시 옥포대첩로6길 10 미진골든타워 202호 | 사업자 등록번호 : 864-39-00743 | TEL : 010-3006-8976 | Mail : onpoint21@nate.com | 통신판매신고번호 : 2020-경남거제-0157호 | 사이버몰의 이용약관 바로가기

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